Ramadan Sunnah Foods

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Best Ramadan Sunnah Foods

“The Messenger of Allah Mohamed used to break his fast before praying with some fresh dates; but if there were no fresh dates, he had a few dry dates, and if there were no dry dates, he took some mouthfuls of water.” [Sunan Abi Dawud]

There is various delicious foods all over the world but Prophet Mohamad used to eat some of these various delicious foods especially in Ramadan and what better time to consume them with the intention of following the sunnah, than in Ramadan time? The Ramadan sunnah foods are they extremely healthy, they’re natural, easy to consume and save you so much time.

Ramadan Sunnah Foods

Fresh dates and water

are the first delicious food Prophet Mohamad chosen it to break his fast each day on it. Because dates are rich in vitamins and protein and it lowers cholesterol in blood too. Eating dates during the two Ramadan meals (iftar and suhoor) therefore, help equip the body with these nutrients that will help maintain the fast. Dates are the first famous Ramadan Sunnah Foods. 

You may also say that eating dates helps greatly with digestion plus all kinds of dates are rich in iron, thus help prevent being fatigued or experiencing light-headedness and dizziness during the day. Don’t forget that after a long day of fasting, with the sudden emergence of food into our system, consuming dates will help take our food in with much more ease. It’s some examples of Ramadan Sunnah Foods:

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah, date, dates, fresh date, fresh dates

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah, date, dates, fresh date, fresh dates


contains a range of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial plant compounds. Soaking or sprouting your barley can improve absorption of these nutrients. It also contains soluble fiber, which reduces hunger and enhances feelings of fullness. It may even promote weight loss.

The high fiber content in Barley helps food move through your gut and promotes a good balance of gut bacteria, both of which play important roles in digestion. The type of insoluble fiber found in barley may prevent the formation of gallstones, helping your gallbladder function normally and reducing your risk of surgery. Ramadan Sunnah Foods are very healthy.

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , Barley

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , Barley


Allah created it and sent down to us from the heavens.

“A blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous..” [Surah 24:35]

Olives are an unusual fruit because of their high fat content, 4–6% carbs , most of which consists of fiber. The most abundant fatty acid is oleic acid, which may have several health benefits.

It also a good source of vitamin E, iron, copper and calcium. They may also contain high amounts of sodium if packaged in saltwater. Plus it’s very rich in antioxidants. They may reduce oxidative damage in the body and help fight infections caused by bacteria. Yes, it boosts iron levels, keeping our energy levels consistent. Olives also allow our immune system function better.

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , olives, olive

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , olives, olive


Allah created it and sent down to us from the heavens too.

“By the fig and the olive” [Surah 1]

It has a good source of various vitamins, nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Plus it’s very benefit for hair, digestion, skin, diabetes; improve the heart’s health, ends piles, useful for rheumatism and a lot more things.

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , fig, figs

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah , fig, figs


is sweet thick liquid made by honeybees. It is low in vitamins and minerals but may be high in some plant compounds.

“And your Lord inspired to the bee, “Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].” There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought. [Surah 68:69]

It contains a number of antioxidants which increasing the blood flow to your heart; and a reduced risk of blood clot formation, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties too.

Plus it improves heart disease risk factors in people with diabetes. However, it also raises blood sugar levels — so it cannot be considered healthy for people with diabetes. And very beneficial for wounds or poor skin conditions, strengthening the immune system and regulates blood sugar levels.

Consuming all of these Ramadan sunnah foods regularly will have immense benefits when maintaining our fasts. Try to share these Ramadan Sunnah Foods to your families and friends.

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah, honey

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah, honey

Ramadan Sunnah Foods , Ramadan Sunnah, Foods , Ramadan , Sunnah Foods , sunnah, honey

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