Common Mistakes In Ramadan

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Most Common Mistakes In Ramadan

are some regular daily duties or habits that we are make it on a daily basis before Ramadan days that we are not allow to make it in Ramadan time (especially in Ramadan day time).

The first Common Mistakes In Ramadan and very vital mistake is taking Ramadan as a ritual and lost its spirituality; and has become more of a ritual than a form of worship. At Ramadan time you may find all Muslims fast from morning to night just because everyone around us is fasting.

Plus we may forget that Ramadan time is the best time of the year to purify our hearts and our souls from all evil…we forget that Ramadan time is the best time of the year to supplicate to Allah, forget to beseech Allah to forgive us and also ask him to save us from the fire. Sure we stay away from food and drink, but that’s about all. It’s a shame for us if we did that without asking him the forgiveness and saving us from hell. Let’s discuss some of these Common Mistakes In Ramadan:

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Emphasis on food, drink, shopping and the new place

that where they will go to have fun at night; which is kind of waste & extravagance. Yes it’s the truth for some people. They may spend the whole day planning to do that; instead of concentrating on the prayer, Quran and other beautiful acts of worship and helping the poor people. By doing that they are missing the very purpose of fasting; it’s real great meaning and thus; increase in their greed and desires instead of learning to control them at that time of the year.

“…..and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not those who waste by extravagance” [Surah al-Aa’raf: 31]

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Common Mistakes In Ramadan for some women is Spending all day cooking; some women are cooking all day and all night

(either by their own choice or forced by their husbands because they love the good Ramadan foods); so that by the end of the day, they are too tired to even pray the Ishaa or even do anything. Then try to help them to pray the Ishaa, pray Taraweeh or Tahajjud or even read Qur’aan. This is the month of mercy and forgiveness.

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Famous Common Mistakes In Ramadan is Eating too much at Suhoor or even at Iftar:

is one of Common Mistakes In Ramadan. Some people stuff themselves at Suhoor; or even at Iftar until they are ready to burst; because they think this is the only and right way to not feel hungry ; or trying to make up for the food missed. However, this is completely against the Sunnah. Moderation is the key to everything. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach; for the son of Adam a few mouthfuls are sufficient to keep his back straight. If you must fill it, then (fill) one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air.”(Tirmidhi).

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Skipping the Suhoor

is like you are missing a great blessing. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Eat suhoor for in suhoor there is blessing.”(Bukhari, Muslim).

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

One of Common Mistakes In Ramadan is Delaying breaking fast

which is not good at all; the Sunnah is to hasten to break the fast; which means breaking fast whenever the adhaan starts; right after the sun has set.

Aa’ishah (RA) said: This is what the Messenger of Allaah (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) used to do. (Muslim) The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said: “The people will continue to do well so long as they hasten to break the fast.” (Bukhaari, Muslim).

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Important Common Mistakes In Ramadan is Missing the golden chance of having your Dua accepted;

the prayer of the fasting person is guaranteed to be accepted at the time of breaking fast. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Three supplications are not rejected: the supplication of a father, the supplication of a fasting person, and the supplication of a traveler.” (Al-Bayhaqi).

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Fasting but not giving up to all evil stuff

such as lying, cursing, fighting, backbiting, cheating, stealing, dealing in Haram, buying lotto tickets, selling alcohol, fornication, etc. And all kinds of impermissible things without realizing that the purpose of fasting is to not stay away from food and drink only; rather the aim behind it is to fear Allah too.

“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become pious” [Surah al-Baqarah: 183] The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, and ignorance, Allah has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” (Bukhari).

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

worst Common Mistakes In Ramadan is Wasting time

whether by sleeping all day (or a major part of it); or playing video games or worse still, watching TV; movies or even listening to music. : The month of Ramadan is a very precious time of the year. Before we know it, this month of mercy and forgiveness will be over. We should try and spend every moment possible in the worship of Allah; so that we can make the most of this blessing.

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

Bad Common Mistakes In Ramadan is Fasting but not praying

or only praying on the night of the 27th; or only praying on the night of the 27th to seek Lailat ul-Qadr; neglecting all other odd nights: we can not accept that at all. In one of the odd nights; God hide a great gift for Muslims which is Lilat elkadr.

Laylatul Qadr is one of the most holy and spiritually significant times of the year for Muslims. It is when the Holy Quran was completed and it is also when the reward for worship and good deeds are multiplied.

“The blessed Night of Power is better than a thousand months”. This verse means that the worship performed in this night brings more reward than the worship performed in a thousand months.


Don’t forget to tell your friends about Common Mistakes In Ramadan, and don’t forget us in your Duaa too.

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Common Mistakes In Ramadan , Mistakes In Ramadan , Ramadan

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